
Declaration of accessibility

The University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is interested in ensuring the accessibility of its web site in accordance with Act No. 95/2019 Coll. on Information Technologies in Public Administration and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 95/2019 Coll. on ITVS") and the relevant implementing regulations.

This accessibility statement applies to the website


Compliance status

This website is in partial compliance with Act No 95/2019 Coll. on ITVS and the relevant implementing regulations with regard to the elements of non-compliance listed below.


Inaccessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

1) Non-compliance with Directive (EU) 2016/2012 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies:

Some images carrying information do not have alternative text [Success Criterion 1.1.1 Non-textual content]

Some tables do not have correctly defined headings; some lists are not correctly defined, only using text formatting [Success Criterion 1.3.1 Information and interrelationships]

Some pages contain text elements that do not meet the minimum contrast requirement [Success Criterion 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)]

Some pages contain non-text elements that do not meet the minimum contrast requirement [Benchmark 1.4.11 Contrast of non-text elements] [Benchmark 1.4.12 Text layout]

Some pages contain elements that are displayed when the mouse is focused but cannot be subsequently removed using the keyboard [Benchmark 1.4.13 Content when mouse or cursor is focused]

Some pages contain drop-down links and banners that are not measurable with the keyboard [Success Criterion 2.1.1 Mouse or cursor content]

The UCM website has not implemented skip-links or other mechanisms to allow skipping of content [Success Criterion 2.4.1 Skipping blocks]

Some pages contain hyperlinks that do not have a clear purpose inferable from the link text itself [Success Criterion 2.4.4 Purpose of the link (in context)]

Some pages contain sections that do not have a defined text language [Benchmark 3.1.2 Language of sections]

Some forms do not contain an appropriate description of the erroneous input and the appropriate placement of such notice [Success Criterion 3.3.1 Error Identification]

Some forms do not contain an appropriate suggestion for correcting errors in the required input [Success Criterion 3.3.3 Suggestion for correcting an error]

Some pages contain elements that do not meet the requirements for proper markup language syntax [Success Criterion 4.1.1 Syntactic analysis]

Some pages contain elements that do not have all required attributes defined, or element attributes are ambiguously defined [Success Criterion 4.1.2 Name, Function, Value]

Some forms contain status messages that are not addressable by assistive technologies [Success Criterion 4.1.2 Status Messages]


2) Disproportionate burden - Exception for disproportionate burden as defined in Article 5 of Directive (EU) 2016/2102]

Video recordings (pre-recorded) do not contain subtitles [Benchmark 1.2.2 Subtitles (pre-recorded)]

Some published documents in .pdf format contain text in the form of an image without the ability to read the text using assistive technologies [Pass Criterion 1.4.5 Text in the form of images]

Some published .pdf documents do not have defined bookmarks [Success Criterion 2.4.5 Multiple methods]

Some documents published in .pdf format do not have a defined document language [Success Criterion 3.1.1 Indicator movements]


3) Non-compliance with Slovak general binding legislation regulating standards related to the accessibility of websites and mobile applications:

Websites that publish information required to be made public under specific regulations do not indicate the date of creation of the website and the date of the last update. [§15(k) of Decree No 78/2020 of the UPVII on standards for public administration information technology]

Some of the links do not have the meaningful information indicated as the text of the link. [§16(f) of UPVII Decree No 78/2020 on standards for public administration information technology]

Some references are not accompanied by information on file format and file size. The user is not informed that the hyperlink leads to a file of a different format (e.g. RTF, DOCX, XLS, PDF, ZIP, etc.). [Article 18(i) of UPVII Decree No 78/2020 on standards for public administration information technology]


Preparation of this accessibility statement

This declaration has been prepared on 30.11.2024.

The evaluation of the compliance of the website with the requirements of Act No 95/2019 Coll. on ITVS and the relevant implementing regulations has been carried out by self-assessment.

Feedback and contact information
In case of any problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact us at the following email address:
The website is managed and operated by the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava.

The PR Department is the responsible management body for accessibility and for processing requests sent in feedback.


Enforcement procedure

In the event of an unsatisfactory response to a notification of non-compliance of a website/mobile application with the accessibility rules pursuant to Section 14 of the Decree of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatisation no. 78/2020 Coll. on standards for information technologies of public administration as amended by Decree No. 546/2021 Coll. within the framework of the feedback mechanism or in the case of an unsatisfactory response to a request for information or content that is excluded from the scope of Act No. 95/2019 Coll. on ITVS within the framework of the feedback mechanism, you may contact the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, as the entity in charge of enforcing Directive (EU) 2016/2102, at:

Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic
Pribinova 25
811 09 Bratislava

or at the following e-mail address:


In case of any problems with the functionality of the UCM website, please contact us via e-mail: