UCM Quality Commission
The UCM Quality Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") is an advisory body to the UCM REC and the Rector of UCM. The Chair of the Commission is the Vice-Chancellor for Quality. The Vice-Chairman of the Commission is the Chairperson of the UCM QMC.
The members of the Commission are the staff of the UCM Quality Department and persons responsible for quality at UCM units and are appointed by the Rector of the University. Membership in the Commission in the case of academic officials is created by appointment to an academic position, in the case of employees by conclusion of the employment contract for the respective position. Membership in the Commission shall cease upon termination of the academic position, in the case of employees upon termination of the employment relationship.
The Quality Committee shall meet at least twice each academic year. A meeting of the Quality Committee shall be convened by its chairman on his/her own initiative or at the suggestion of the Rector or a member of the Committee. Meetings of the Quality Committee shall not be public. The Chairperson of the Quality Committee may invite interested parties to a meeting of the Quality Committee according to the agenda to be discussed. The Chairperson of the Commission may delegate the chairperson of the Commission meeting to the Vice-Chairperson of the Commission. The secretary of the Commission shall take minutes of the Commission meetings, which shall be published on the UCM website.
The subject of the Commission's activity is:
development of proposals and implementation of quality policies,
coordinating and controlling the activities of quality structures at all levels of UCM.