
General instuctions for Incoming students

ERASMUS mobility processes at International Relations Office:


SD – Study department
SH – Students' home
OLA – Online Learning Agreement
OLS – Online Linguistic Support
EAD – Economic activities department
IRO – International Relations Office


Procedure for ERASMUS mobility – Foreign incoming student

Before mobility:

  • IRO at UCM will receive a student nomination from a partner university abroad
  • IRO will request approval from the relevant faculty at UCM to accept the student for mobility
  • With the consent of the faculty, IRO contacts the student and provides him/her with information on mobility regarding administration, accommodation, legalization of stay, etc.
  • The student chooses the subjects to study from the list and fills in the OLA. The OLA is signed and approved by the authorized faculty representative (faculty Erasmus coordinator). If the faculty also has a department coordinator, the student consults with the department coordinator about the admission of the student and the composition of the subjects in OLA. The student announces the result to the faculty coordinator. The faculty coordinator signs OLA.
  • IRO at UCM will ensure the announcement of mobility at SD and SH, and mediates the teaching of Slovak
  • The IRO contacts the ESN (Erasmus Student Network; link), which assigns the buddy student to the incoming student as a contact person for in-stay support.
  • Students from countries subject to the visa requirement contact the IRO staff before the mobility starts and receive detailed instructions for securing visas.

During mobility:

After arrival, the student will be assisted by a buddy student and IRO staff member:

  • The student stays at the SH (if he / she has expressed interest at IRO staff before starting) and obtains an ISIC card according to the instructions at IRO. The buddy student will provide him/her with information on dining options, leisure time, classes, etc.
  • A student from a country with visa requirement with the help of IRO employee registers online and obtains a deadline for registration with the Foreign Police Office (process of residence legalization in Slovak Republic).
  • The student completes a visit to the Foreign Police Office with a buddy student  or an IRO employee
  • The student consults with the faculty / department coordinator at UCM and the home university about a possible change of subjects, and informs IRO UCM about the result. - The student records changes in the part of OLA called Changes.
  • In case of interest in extending the mobility, the student submits an application to the sending institution no later than one month before the planned end of the mobility via the Application for Extension form (, the relevant UCM faculty and IRO via e-mail. In case of approval, the student fills in the new OLA.
  • IRO provides the faculty SD with the above mentioned information. In case of extension of the stay, the UCM provides accommodation to the student only in case of free capacities. If the extension request has not been approved, the student will end the mobility in the prescribed manner (see below).
  • The student informs the IRO about the planned date of the end of the mobility. At the end of the semester resp. before the end of the mobility, the student is obliged to pay all debts to UCM (obligation to report leaving SH, return borrowed books to the library)

After mobility:

  • SD of the faculty issues a Transcript of Records with ECTS credits to the student based on his / her results in AIS. The IRO will issue a confirmation of the length of stay (Confirmation) to the student. Both documents will be sent to the student via e-mail from IRO. These documents will be issued to students accommodated at SH UCM only after confirmation of the accomodation termination in accordance with the accommodation contract and housing rules.