Members of the Department of Russian Studies presented Erasmus+ project in Uzbekistan
Published: 7.1. 2025
From 10 to 12 December 2024 doc. PhDr. Andrea Grominová, PhD. and doc. PhDr. Lukáš Gajarský, PhD. from the Department of Russian Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava visited colleagues from the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology of the Karshin State University.
The main aim of the working visit was to present the intellectual results of the Erasmus+ KA220 project No. 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000022917 entitled The innovation of the concept and curriculum of doctoral study programs and increasing their effectiveness. Doc. Grominová and doc. Gajarský presented the objectives, partners, target groups of the project, explained the reasons for its implementation and the subsequent practical benefits of the results for Russian studies (and philology) departments in Slavic and non-Slavic countries. Uzbek colleagues thoroughly familiarized themselves with all four intellectual outputs of the project and stated that they will use them in the framework of the implementation of doctoral studies. Educators and students of doctoral and graduating master's degree programmes were invited by their Slovak colleagues to a multiplier event, the International Scientific Conference of Students and Educators of Doctoral Degree Programmes, which will be held on 29 January 2025 at the Faculty of Arts of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. In addition to the presentation of the project, the colleagues discussed several possibilities of mutual cooperation in scientific research and pedagogical activities. We believe that the working visit is the beginning of effective cooperation between the two universities.