Presentation of university project results: the three best projects received awards
Publikované: 16.12. 2024
These were researches funded by the UCM Research Support Fund and the SR Recovery and Resilience Plan. The defenses were held on December 11, 2024.
The final presentation was attended by only five selected best researchers from each faculty. The researchers presented to the attendees the objectives, results and publication outputs they had achieved in the framework of the project support and solution. UCM Vice-Rector for Science and Research, prof. Mgr. Ildikó Matušíková, PhD., appreciated the quality of the projects and the efficiency of the use of the provided funds. At the end of the presentation, the Vice-Rector, in agreement with the Vice-Dean's Office, awarded the three best projects in 2024, whose researchers will also be financially rewarded.
Awardees in 2024:
1st place: Mgr. Bianka Francistyová, full-time PhD student from the Faculty of Mass Media Communication, UCM
2nd place. Ľubomír Gábor, PhD., Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts, UCM
3rd place. Mgr. Renáta Kozáčiková, full-time PhD student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, UCM
The presentations were attended not only by the project researchers and the UCM Vice-Rector for Science and Research, but also by the Vice-Dean of FSV UCM doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Mihálik, PhD., Vice-Dean of UCM Faculty of Science doc. Mgr. Katarína Žeňuchová, PhD., Vice-Dean of FPV UCM Mgr. Dominika Vešelényiová, PhD., Vice-Dean of FMK UCM doc. PhDr. Janka Radošinská, PhD., and Mgr. et Bc. Zuzana Rojková, PhD., from FF UCM.