The panel discussion Games and Education will provide insight into the creation of educational games. We will learn about their current status and development in Slovakia
The discussion will take place on 4 December from 10.00 to 12.00 in the premises of Little Berlin in Trnava. Its aim is to support primary and secondary school teachers in adapting new technologies and methods for more effective use of digital games in teaching. The discussion is open to the public.
Incorporation of educational games into the teaching process in Slovakia and abroad, their effectiveness or comparison of paid and unpaid games - these are also some of the topics of the panel discussion entitled Games and Education. It will be led by Tomáš Farkaš, a lecturer from the Department of Digital Games at the FMK UCM in Trnava. You can register via this form and entry is free. You can also register on the spot.
Invited guests are Jakub Žaludko, Táňa Zacharovská and Ján Kožlej from the field of educational game development, who will, among other things, discuss the legislation of games in schools and present concrete examples of educational games with practical use in classrooms.
Jakub Žaludko is co-founder and CEO of Impact games, an innovative platform for game development. In his opinion, games have a huge potential to critically educate, both in formal and informal or spontaneous education of children, young people and adults.
The next speaker is Tatiana Zacharovská, an art designer, developer and also a teacher at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. She created the game Garbage Gobblers as a non-profit educational project, which is an attempt to use the educational potential of games and to find a playful and fun way to present the topic of waste, its sorting and reduction through an interactive virtual experience.
Ján Kožlej, a long-time member and co-founder of Hemisphere and currently the director of the private school Skyro, will also discuss. He is dedicated to the education of children and adults and has participated in many projects in the gaming industry, such as GameDays, AnimeShow, Comic Salon. He is also a creator of innovative solutions, an inspiring role model in perseverance and an avid social and computer gamer.
The discussion is carried out within the framework of the KEGA project, which, in addition to the creation of methodological guides, also aims to increase gaming or digital literacy, since even games that are not primarily created with the intention to educate often have educational potential. The intention is also to create professional training workshops for educators.