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The University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava awarded the honorary title Doctor honoris causa to prof.JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.

Publikované: 21.3. 2025

The University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava today awarded the honorary title of Doctor honoris causa to prof. JUDr. Igor Paluš, CSc.


Prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc. was born in the village of Ploské, Košice district. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, where he also completed the habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the field of state (constitutional) law.

He belongs to a close group of founders of the discipline of Public Administration (in the context of political sciences) in Slovakia. He stood at the birth of the first independent faculty in the then field of public policy and public administration that was established in Slovakia - the Faculty of Public Administration of UPJŠ in Košice, which he subsequently led for two terms as dean.

Prior to that, he served at the Pavol Jozef Šafar University in Košice as Dean of its Faculty of Law and became an internationally recognised capacity also in the field of constitutional law. He was significantly involved in the preparatory work for the creation of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. For more than eight years he also served as Vice-Rector of the University.

Since the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at UCM and the creation of a scientific and pedagogical workplace in the field of sciences, he has promoted mutual cooperation between the two workplaces in Trnava and Košice, which continued after his departure to the Faculty of Public Policies of the University of Silesia in Opava, which gradually also grew into a strategic partnership between these higher education institutions.



Prof. Palúš is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, as well as the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV) of UCM in Trnava. As an external member of the Council, he helps with his advice and experience in forming strategic partnerships with public administration institutions. He acts as a member and opponent not only in doctoral studies, but also in habilitation and inauguration proceedings at the FSV UCM.

At FSV UCM he has participated in the creation of a new study programme in European Public Administration, which he first founded years ago in Košice.

"Prof. Palúš, according to the assessment of his colleagues and contemporaries from the time when he worked first in the field of constitutional law and later in public administration, has always been a passionate scholar who has strived to educate students so that they are sincerely interested in the field and find a connection with practice. He was always characterized by the ability to have a vision and a concept so that the institutions led by him had the ability to improve and he was able to ignite his colleagues and students for his ideas," said the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of UCM in Trnava, Assoc. PhDr. Peter Horváth, PhD.

The Scientific Council of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava awards the honorary title of Doctor honoris causa to prominent domestic and foreign personalities who have personally contributed to the development of education, science, art or politics through their lifelong work and are internationally recognized experts. The University has awarded honorary doctorates to a total of 32 personalities at ceremonial meetings of the Scientific Council of UCM in Trnava so far.


Author: Mgr. Peter Krajčovič, PhD.



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