UCM UNITHON successfully completed: designs for a new orientation system have been created
A weekend full of creativity, collaboration and innovative solutions - this is how one could describe the first edition of UCM UNITHON, which took place from 7 to 9 March at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. During three intensive days, student teams worked on the creation of a new navigation system for the university, which will make it easier for students, staff and visitors to find their way around.
The competition teams not only had working spaces, but also refreshments at their disposal, which allowed them to work on their ideas with full commitment. They were also energised by Red Bull, which showed in their stamina and the quality of their final designs.
After the final presentations and a thorough evaluation by the jury, it was finally decided to award the two first prizes, as two teams scored the same number of points. In addition, the second place team was also awarded.
🏆 1st place: Faem - members: Júlia Kučerová, Sára Klocoková, Margaréta Kukľová
🏆 1st place: TEDI Games-members. Michal Kabát, PhD., Jakub Gancarčík, Daniel Behúl, Alexandra Pavelová
🥈 2nd place. Vanessa Šugárová, Bc. Samuel Šimon, Bc. Martin Barta
The jury appreciated especially the clarity, creative elaboration and practical feasibility of the winning designs. The resulting solutions will serve as inspiration for the future implementation of the new orientation system at UCM.
The UNITHON project was also able to come into being thanks to the impulses resulting from the goals set out in the UCM Internationalisation Action Plan defined on the basis of the results of the UCM Internationalisation Audit, which emphasises the need to improve the student experience and orientation in the university environment. Its implementation was supported by Erasmus+ funding, and it was international cooperation and the interest in simplifying the lives of even international students at UCM that were the key drivers of this unique project.
Thank you to all participants for their work and great ideas! We hope that UCM UNITHON will become a part of university life and help create practical solutions for students and staff in other areas as well.