2.1 An eligible application is one where the distance of the student's permanent residence from the school site is greater than 90 km. In case of less distance, the time availability from the place of residence to the headquarters of the faculty or institute, as the case may be, shall be taken into account.
2.2 Student applications shall be ranked by the accommodation committee of the faculty and the institute in a waiting list, based on the number of points allocated, in descending order according to point 3. The accommodation committee shall allocate accommodation according to the number of places available to accommodate students.
2.3 Points for the allocation of accommodation in the UCM Student Accommodation Centre and UCM contractual accommodation facilities are allocated automatically to upper year students by the information system on the basis of the following criteria:
(a) student benefit
The weighted average for the academic year is calculated by adding the products of the credit grade of the course and the numerical value of the grade for all courses enrolled by the student for the assessment period and dividing by the sum of the credits achieved for the period. Courses graded with a grade of 4 and courses graded with a grade of FX, or courses that the student enrolled in but did not take, are included in the average.
A student will receive a score between 20 and 0 for academic achievement based on a weighted grade point average (GPA) that ranges from 1.0 to 3.0. The function to allocate points = (30-10*GPA).
For students continuing to the second year of study who have not completed the summer semester of their first year of study, only the results of the winter semester will be counted.
In the case of students continuing to the third year of study, the results for the entire second year of study will be counted.
b) the distance of the student's permanent residence from the UCM seat is assigned automatically by the information system (distances.sk)
The student will be awarded points in the range 0 to 30 for a distance (VZD) in kilometres that is more than 90 km. The function to assign points =(VZD*0.1 - 9).
c) The time availability of the school is automatically assigned by the information system (distances.sk)
The student receives points in the interval 0 to 15 for time availability (TA) in minutes , which is more than 44 minutes. The function for assigning points =(ČD*0.2-8.8).
(d) Social conditions
Students in a disadvantaged social situation who receive a social grant will be allocated 30 points.
(e) Health
Students who demonstrate an adverse medical condition with appropriate evidence will be considered separately.
(f) Cultural and social activities
For cultural and sporting activities within the University, work in the UCM AS, UCM SR and UCM UCM will be awarded a maximum of 5 points with the approval of the Vice-Rector for Education in the case of IM UCM students, in the case of students of individual faculties of the Vice-Deans for Educational Activities.
2.4 Points for the allocation of accommodation in the UCM SR and UCM contractual accommodation facilities are allocated to first-year students on the basis of the following criteria: distance of the student's permanent residence from the UCM headquarters and the time availability of the school, accommodation is allocated to them after the decision of the accommodation committees of the faculties and the institute after enrolment in the studies on the basis of the currently available accommodation capacity allocated by the individual faculties and the institute. Students shall confirm their interest in the allocated accommodation electronically to the Head of the UCM School no later than 15 days from the date of publication of the decision of the accommodation committee on the allocation of accommodation.
2.5 Foreign full-time students, including students arriving within the framework of student mobility, shall be allocated accommodation by the accommodation committee of the faculty or institute from its own accommodation capacity on the basis of a duly completed electronic application in the AIS. If the international student is a self-paying student, this point is invalid.
2.6 In case of equality of points, the distance from the place of permanent residence, health and social circumstances of the student will be considered.
2.7 In the event of incorrect information being provided in the AIS accommodation application form, the application will not be accepted by the Accommodation Committee!!!
2.8 Students who exceed the standard length of study lose their right to accommodation.
2.9 The results of the accommodation process /students of higher years/ will be published by 31.07. 2024 in AIS (accommodation is allocated if the application is verified - A, accepted - A, confirmed - A); allocation of accommodation to newly admitted studentswill be published continuously after the decision of the relevant accommodation committee of the faculty and institute in AIS (accommodation is allocated if the application is verified - A, accepted - A, confirmed - A) , on the web-site of the relevant faculty and the Institute of Management of UCM. Students shall confirm their interest in the allocated accommodation electronically to the Head of the UCM School of Management and Management no later than 15 days from the date of publication of the Accommodation Committee's decision on the allocation of accommodation.
2.10 The student may, within 5 days from the publication of the results, complain about the non-counting of points, obvious errors and inaccuracies, otherwise the number of points awarded is final. No appeal can be made against the allocation of a particular place.
2.11 Students may appeal against the decision of the Accommodation Committee through the Head of the UCM School within 10 days of the publication of the results. In disputed cases, the Rector of UCM makes the final decision.