
Members of the RVHK

Members of the RVHK:

  • Chairperson: assoc prof. PhDr. Michal Lukáč, PhD., Ed.D., Institute of Management, School of Economics and Management

  • Vice-Chairperson: assoc. prof. Daniela Kollárová, PhD., FMK UCM, School of Media and Communication Studies


Internal members:

  • assoc. prof. Mgr. Tomáš Čana, PhD., FF UCM, Field of study: Philosophy and Applied Philosophy
    PhDr. Dominika Doktorová, PhD., FF UCM, Field of study: Psychology
    PhDr. Marián Kamenčík, PhD., FF UCM, Field of study: Philology
    Mgr. Pavol Krajčovič, PhD., FF UCM, Field of study: Historical Sciences
    Mgr. Veronika Michvocíková, PhD., FF UCM, Field of study: Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences
    prof. PhDr. Hana Pravdová, PhD., FMK UCM, Field of study: Media and Communication Studies
    Mgr. Zuzana Kvetanová, PhD., FMK UCM, Field of study: Media and Communication Studies
    RNDr. Zuzana Gerši, PhD., FPV UCM, Field of study: Biology
    assoc. prof. RNDr. Michaela Havrlentová, PhD., FPV UCM, Field of study: Biotechnology
    PaedDr. Miroslav Ölvecký, PhD., FPV UCM, Field of study: Informatics
    Mgr. Martin Valica, PhD., FPV UCM, Field of study: Ecological and Environmental Sciences
    assoc. prof. PhDr. Lukáš Cíbik, PhD., FSV UCM, Field of study: Political Science
    PhDr. Michal Imrovič, PhD., FSV UCM, Field of study: Social Work
    doc. Mgr. Michaj Garaj, PhD., FSV UCM, ŠO politické vedy
    assoc. prof. MUDr. Žofia Rádiková, PhD., FZV UCM, Field of study: Health Sciences
    Ing. Jana Černá, PhD., IM UCM, Field of study: Economics and Management

Members representing students 

  • Mgr. Bianka Francistyová, FMK UCM, Field of study: Media and Communication Studies

  • Bc. Michal Cepko, FSV UCM, Field of study: Political Science


External members:

  • assoc. prof. PhDr. Elena Žiaková, PhD. Ph.D., Field of study: Health Sciences, Vice President in charge of representing the Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists

  • PhDr. Matúš Meluš, PhD., Field of study: Political Sciences, State Counsellor, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic