
International Relations Department

Unit Coordinator, International Activities Coordination Officer

Mgr. Nikoleta Vanková, MBA

marker-icon Nám. J. Herdu 2, room 109a
phone-icon 033 5565 174
mail-icon nikoleta.vankova(zav.)


Staff mobility officer

Mgr. Simona Štefíčková

marker-icon Nám. J. Herdu 2, room 109b
phone-icon 033 5565 177
mail-icon simona.stefickova(zav.)


Incoming Student Mobility Officer

Mgr. Lenka Labudová, PhD.

marker-icon Nám. J. Herdu 2, room 109a
phone-icon 033 5565 143
mail-icon lenka.labudova(zav.)


Office hours



The International Relations Department mainly carries out the following agenda:

  • drafts international agreements with foreign partners at the university level, ensures and controls their implementation;

  • keeps records of the University's foreign relations, processes their overview for the University's management;

  • in cooperation with departments and faculties, arranges secondments and admissions within the framework of international and university agreements;

  • in cooperation with the Rector's Office, registers the University's membership of international organisations of various kinds and ensures their maintenance;

  • handles foreign correspondence of the Rector's Office within the scope of cooperation with partner universities and other partner institutions abroad;

  • in cooperation with departments, faculties and the Rector's Office (as appropriate), arranges for the reception of official guests at the University;

  • arranges for the secondment of members of the University's management and staff of the University's units abroad;

  • cooperates with the UCM Student House in providing accommodation for admitted staff, students and guests;

  • cooperates with the Department of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic and the relevant departments of the faculties of the University;

  • in cooperation with departments and faculties, actively seeks opportunities to expand the University's contacts at home and abroad;

  • ensures mobility of students, teaching and non-teaching staff of UCM;

  • cooperates with the Rector's Office in activities related to the observance of diplomatic protocol at UCM and in the reception of the highest representatives of the Slovak Republic and foreign states at UCM;

  • initiates, implements or cooperates with the Rector's Office in arranging negotiations on international cooperation;

  • performs other related tasks and activities.