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At UCM in Trnava we commemorate the legacy of Sts. Cyril and Methodius

The national holiday celebrates the symbolic anniversary of their arrival in Great Moravia in 863.

Sts. Cyril and Methodius form one of the most important historical chapters in the history of the Slavs, and especially of the Slovaks. They both came from Thessaloniki. Methodius, the elder of the brothers, became an important civil official. After a while, however, he grew tired of worldly affairs and retired to a monastery. Constantine became a scholar and professor, known as the "Philosopher".

At the request of Prince Rastislav in 863, Constantine and Methodius, along with several companions, left their native land to come to Great Moravia and spread Christianity and culture. Before they left on their mission, Constantine composed for the Slavs the writing system known today as Glagolitic. It is considered to be the forerunner of Cyrillic, the script named after St. Cyril.

It is the names of Cyril and Methodius that our University has borne in its name since its foundation in 1997. This feast day is therefore not only a commemoration of two important visionaries who brought the light of education and faith to the Slavic countries, but also a celebration of the values and commitment to education on our campus. UCM carries out its mission in the spirit of their cultural legacy, which is embedded in the European civilizational circle and Central European values.

"The holiday we are celebrating this Friday is an important day not only for UCM, but also for the whole of Slovakia. This day reminds us of the importance of education and culture," says Andrej Brník, Vice-Rector for Development and Public Relations.

The University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is proud of the heritage and legacy of these two personalities, who contributed significantly to the formation of our national identity.

Every year we commemorate this feast by laying a wreath at the sculpture of St Cyril and Methodius, which adorns the entrance to our University. This year the wreath was laid by the Rector of UCM together with Vice-Rectors Andrea Čajková and Andrej Brnik.

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