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Despite social progress, we still treat women differently from men. Read the 6 most interesting insights from the Gender (in)equality discussion

The ideas were presented at the fifth edition of the Evening University, a discussion format that aims to present socially important topics through the eyes of UCM experts and interesting external guests.


The event took place on Tuesday, 11 March, in the premises of the Little Berlin in Trnava. Human rights and gender equality expert Silvia Porubänová, Denník N journalist Ria Gehrerová and the chair of the UCM Commission for Gender Equality Zuzana Draková talked about why there is still a gender pay gap, why we see few women in leadership positions and few men on parental leave, as well as what unpaid work is and why it affects women in the majority. The discussion was moderated by Magdaléna Švecová , a teacher from the UCM FMK .

The recording of the discussion can be viewed HERE.


Six of the most interesting ideas that were presented at the Gender (in)equality discussion:

1. Gender stereotypes are already present at an early age. The way girls and boys are educated shapes their self-esteem and career choices. We need to introduce inclusive education in society from pre-school age. (Silvia Porubänová)

2. Gender-sensitive language is a tool for inclusivity, but its use in speech and media has its limits. It is important to use it in a natural and understandable way so as not to alienate the target group. (Ria Gehrer)

3. We should not only talkabout gender equality in society, but also among those closest to us - in the family environment. Each and every one of us can contribute to equality between men and women in our own micro-environment. (Zuzana Drakova)

4. Misogyny and hate speech on social networks often target socially engaged women, especially women journalists. Such forms of bullying must be actively combated. (Ria Gehrer)

5. The University of St. Cyril and Methodius actively implements measures to support women in academia. For example, in internal FPPV projects, which can only be submitted up to the age of 35, female academics are not credited for time spent on maternity leave. (Zuzana Drakova)

6. Unpaid domestic workis mostly on the shoulders of women, which limits their career development opportunities. It is not only women who should be talking about the division of duties and overall household management in society. We need men to take up this subject much more. (Silvia Porubänová)

We remind you that the next edition of the Evening University will take place in a month's time - on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:00 pm at the Little Berlin in Trnava. We will discuss critical thinking and its threat not only in Slovakia, but in the whole, global society.


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