About the University 

University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava 

The primary mission of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is to protect and disseminate knowledge, develop education based on scientific knowledge and creative scientific or artistic activity, while considering national, humanistic, and democratic traditions. The University carries out its mission in the spirit of the cultural legacy of St. Cyril and Methodius, which is embedded in the European civilizational circle and Central European values. At the same time, in its activities, it is committed to Slovak national interests with an emphasis on educating and nurturing citizens of a free and democratic society. Through its activities, it aims to build education as a part of the culture of the entire society and simultaneously contribute to increasing the scientific, technical, and economic level, recognizing its cultural-social and economic impact in the Slovak Republic and the Trnava region. The University strives to shape a generation capable of facing future challenges with wisdom, creativity, and respect for the values that shape us. 

The University was established by Act No. 201/1997 Coll. on August 1, 1997, reflecting the society's need to develop higher education in the 1990s. As the only higher education institution in Slovakia at that time, it enabled students to study programs in mass media and marketing communication, thus gaining a mark of uniqueness and distinctiveness. Currently, the program for environmental protection and restoration is unique within Slovakia. 

University Leadership