UCM Management
The UCM Management Board is a standing advisory body to the UCM Rector for the operational resolution of those issues of University management that require collective deliberation. The UCM Management Board is chaired by the Rector of UCM and its members are the Vice-Rector, Vice-Rectors and the Bursar. Student representatives may be invited to participate in the deliberations of the Management Board if the subject of the Management Board deliberations is a matter of principle concerning students.
The Rector of the UCM is the statutory body and representative of the UCM, manages it, acts on its behalf and represents it externally.
The Vice-rectors shall represent the Rector of UCM to the extent determined by her. They shall be accountable for their activities to the Rector of UCM. They shall methodically manage the sections of activities defined in the Organisational Regulations of the UCM Rectorate.
The UCM Bursar ensures the economic and administrative running of UCM and is responsible for the economic and administrative activities of the UCM Rectorate. He/she cooperates with the Vice-rectors in the areas of economic and operational provision of the activities entrusted to them.